Franciscan Healthcare - Munster Web Site

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

February "Spirit of Women" Seminar - Lowering Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

Please join us for our monthly Spirit of Women presentation in February:

“A Little DASH Will Do You”
DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) is a dietary plan developed by the National Institute of Health to aid in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels without the need for medication.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Franciscan Hammond Clinic
7905 Calumet Ave., Munster
3rd Floor Conference Room
Presented by: Joann Franczek, Registered Dietitian

For more information or to register, please call (800) 931-3322.

Watch for dates for our March seminar: “Avoid a Brainwreck (Concussions)."

For more information about these events call (800) 931-3322.

To sign up for Spirit of Women, visit our webpage or fill out our online form on Facebook!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Video: Is Your Thyroid Making You Fat?

Dr. Krista Molina, Family Medicine, talks about the thyroid and discusses how thyroid conditions affect your body, including weight gain. This presentation was held at Omni Health & Fitness in Chesterton in January of several Spirit of Women "Is Your Thyroid Making You Fat?" presentations that month across Northern Indiana.

Watch for upcoming monthly seminars “A Little DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) Will Do You” in February and “Avoid a Brainwreck (Concussions)” in March.

For more information about these events call (800) 931-3322. To sign up for Spirit of Women, visit our webpage or fill out our online form on Facebook!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Hospital Seeking Adult Volunteers!

Franciscan Physicians Hospital, located at 701 Superior Ave., Munster, is seeking adult volunteers for its newly formed Volunteer Team.

The program, led by Mary Higgins, director of mission services, will give community members an additional outlet to join the hospital's mission and commitment to provide great patient care.

Barb Greene, president of Franciscan Physicians Hospital, states "We're so happy to have Mary Higgins on board with our leadership team. Mary comes to us with over 19 years of experience in overseeing the mission and volunteer programs at Franciscan St. Margaret Health."

Volunteers will be assisting with many of the services that contribute to the care and comfort of patients, among them escorting, greeting and other non-clinical tasks.

"I'm excited to invite volunteers into our facility," states Greene. "As we grow, it is imperative that we resume our mission programs, ensuring all who visit our facility see the rich culture of the Sisters of St. Francis."

Those interested in volunteering should contact Mary Higgins at (219) 922-5897, or by email at

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Latest Edition of Franciscan Focus is Here!

The Winter/Spring 2012 edition of the Franciscan Focus magazine is here!

In this issue:

  • Gut Feeling - Digestive health not to be ignored  
  • No Bones About It - Education and prevention lead to stronger support  
  • Hospital News & Notes 
  • Just Dance! - NWI residents will groove their way to health at "Spirit of Women" event

About the digital edition

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  • Print, bookmark, even make virtual notes on whatever strikes you. Just click on the Tools icon at the top.
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We’d love to hear your feedback about Franciscan Focus! Feel free to email comments or questions to

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Franciscan Physicians Hospital Cares for Kids

MUNSTER | Dec. 19 marked the last St. Joseph’s Carmelite Home fundraising luncheon at Franciscan Physicians Hospital in 2011. Luncheons were held throughout the month of December.

As part of annual support efforts for the children, hospital employees raised $4,000, with all proceeds going to the home. Contributions came from luncheons, payroll deductions and donations.

“My staff is always very considerate towards the children of the Carmelite Home. Supporting them has been a part of our facility’s mission for some time, but we all see the importance now more than ever with the budget crisis they’re facing,” says hospital president Barb Greene.

Physicians and staff generally give presents at Christmas time, but with state funding cuts leaving the home in desperation, a collection was taken instead.

Sister Maria Giuseppe, provincial superior of the Carmelite Home, states “funding cuts have been our biggest struggle over the last year. State funding covers about 70% of our costs, which leaves quite a gap in providing for the children we care for.”

July 2, 2013, will mark the one hundred year anniversary of the E. Chicago Carmelite Home location. Further budget cuts are anticipated in the coming year.

“We cannot express our appreciation to Franciscan Physicians Hospital and the Franciscan Alliance for caring about our children in this great time of need,” says Sr. Giuseppe. “We thank them for allowing us to continue Christ’s ministry in our community.”

To support the Carmelite Home in E. Chicago, send a donation to 4840 Grasselli St., E. Chicago, IN, 46312, or come by in person.

Further support to the Carmelite Home and the community at large will continue to come from Franciscan Physicians Hospital, now a wholly owned, not-for-profit member of the Franciscan Alliance. The hospital, located at 701 Superior Ave. in Munster, holds a number of supportive outreach programs throughout the year.

To learn more, visit online at

Brandy Egnatz, Service Excellence Member, gives the $4,000 check to Sr. Maria Giuseppe

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

WorkingWell in Munster Opens at Franciscan Hammond Clinic

WorkingWell, the occupational health program of Franciscan Alliance's Northwest Indiana hospitals, has moved from its Franciscan Physicians Hospital location and is now open at the Franciscan Hammond Clinic Specialty Center, 7905 Calumet Ave.

The move was sparked by efforts to combine the forces of Franciscan Hammond Clinic's occupational medicine department with the WorkingWell entity. WorkingWell, a freestanding occupational health provider, is the only program of its kind to receive the designation of ISO 9001:2008 certification.  

The International Organization for Standardization is the world's largest developer and publisher of international standards, instituted in 162 countries. ISO 9001:2008 certification, which has been awarded WorkingWell, ensures the effectiveness of all documented processes, and the commitment to their use for every patient.

Aside from ISO 9001:2008 certification, the transition of the clinic's Occupations Medicine department into WorkingWell brings a host of benefits, says Tim Ross, regional director of WorkingWell.

"This move and merger allows growth opportunity to our program, along with having a board-certified occupational health provider on board for Munster and the surrounding communities. Further, a convenient location just south of 80/94 on Calumet Ave. brings centrality to those coming from any direction."

Patients of the Franciscan Hammond Clinic Occupational Medicine department will gain access to all five of the Northwest Indiana WorkingWell locations Jan. 3, when the new department location opens.

Richard Rodarte, M.D., a board-certified occupational health physician, has worked in the Franciscan Hammond Clinic Occupational Medicine department since November 2005.

"I am very eager for this transition, with WorkingWell bringing their broad scope of services and physician expertise to the Franciscan Hammond Clinic. The move provides extended daytime and after-hours coverage to the local business community."

Irene O’Neill, M.D., works at the current Franciscan Physicians Hospital location.

"I look forward to working with Dr. Rodarte and utilizing his knowledge and experience with occupational medicine. Being in a facility with many medical specialists will be a great resource."

The move is applauded by Gene Diamond, Franciscan Alliance Northern Indiana Region CEO.

"The merger of WorkingWell into Franciscan Hammond Clinic’s Occupational Medicine program benefits everyone. Our client companies benefit from the synergies created as two strong programs come together in one location to offer more services and additional expertise, while their employees benefit from what we believe will be quicker and easier access. We hope everyone agrees that the outcome is an even better program."

WorkingWell hours at Franciscan Hammond Clinic are 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. The new phone number is (219) 836-4690.

For more information, visit or